All articles
Access local array data source
Account access, link to the latest version
Add Custom Button and Move the Toolbar to the Top of the Datagrid
ADD missing in detail grid in INLINE mode
Adding Totals on Local Array
Advanced Search Date Comparison
Advanced Search: Enable greater than/less then for date fields
Ajax .post() does not return results right away
Align Datagrid Center on a Page
Allow file upload to include files other than pictures
Always Display Integrated Search Toolbar When Page Load
Auto Increment (auto-increment) Field validation Due to Underscore Character in Primary Key
Auto populate hidden fields
autocomple off
Blank grid that Data is not showing up in MS SQL, MySql, DB2 or other database
Browser Autofill interference
Call to undefined function PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Shared\mb_strlen()
Can I change the tool bar with search, edit, delete from footer to header?
Can Virtual Column Be Used to Create New Column for Database Table?
Can't display grid in Internet Explorer 11
Cannot activate phpgridlie under my wordpress
Cannot display datagrid in IE8, but works in Firefox
Cannot save or edit records. How to debug to reveal SQL error details?
Capture time stamp on submit
Capture time stamp on submit
Case insensitive search
Catch Errors on the Sever Side
CELL edit with add and delete buttons
Center Add/Edit Form
Center Edit Form and Display Scroll Bar in Bootstrap Theme
Change "Cancel" button behavior
Change date display format
Change edit properties without modifying the source code
Change header row height
Change locale for Calendar datepicker
Change Master Detail Grid Layout e.g. side by side
Change Search Default Value
Change set_col_frozen background transparency
Clear nested grid after selection change in master-master grid
Collapse Datagrid on Initial Display
Column Order Position
Compare again database NULL in set_conditional_value function
Completely hide parent container's horizontal scrollbar
Complex Sql Query
Composer install did not install autoload.php and all the dependencies
Conditional border
Conditional format - compare two cells
Configuring Oracle
Connect phpGrid to MS SQL Server from Linux
Constant value in create/edit form
Could not connect to the database (MySQL) but works with PDO
Create edit type "select" options manually from SQL query
Create nested dropdown array from database table
CRUD (Create, Remove, Update, Delete) Not Working
Currency conversion
Custom button in action column
Custom Server Side Data Validation
Customize Edit Form Layout
Data bar solid color?
Datagrid is not visible except the header and footer
Datagrid row height does not change
Datapicker displaying behind the edit form
Date Picker does not seem to allow for Future Years by Default
Datepicker selectable years range is only from 1972 to current year.
Datetime Format
Dealing with very large datasets
Declaration of ADODB_db2::_query(&$sql, $inputarr = false) not compatible
Declaration of ReplaceProcessor::process() is not compatible
Default to last page on page load
Delete Callback - Delete some Files when record is deleted from a table
Demo Web Install Issue
Deploying to GoDaddy
Deprecated: mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in
Disable or cancel delete on row condition in FORM
Disable or cancel delete on row condition in FORM
Disable the Entire Datagrid
Display a value in a cell that references a value in another table
Display caption in subgrid (commercial license only)
Display column in grid but hide when edit
Display data from other columns with customer formatter
Display datagrid somewhere else on the page
Display field value from grid using custom event
Display grid from multiples tables
Display group summary without any detail records
Display Icon/Image In a Virtual Column
Display multiple grids from the same database table
Display server error message during edit
Display Value from URL Querystring Parameter
Displaying Header vertically
Displaying Header vertically
Displaying millions of records with row count
Displaying TIMESTAMP Fields in an Editable Grid
Dropdown Concatenation
Dynamic Details Grid Caption
Dynamic dropdown based on cell value in a row.
Dynamic Subgrid Caption
Edit Grid of a JOIN or a complex query
Edit Master Detail Grid that Uses SQL Alias
Edit not working
Editable Datagrid with Add Only Ability
Elongated grid when theme is set
Empty value stored as NULL in Autocomplete
Enable inline search by default
Error during Export - Warning: date() []: It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings.
Error when deleting row in Inventory Management demo app
Error: Class 'C_DataGrid' not found in (PHP Namespace)
Error: Class 'phpGrid\C_DataBase' not found
Escape HTML characters in datagrid
Example not working
Excel Export Issue with  character causes export to fail (User Contributed Article)
Expand All Subgrids on page load
Export Failed. Allowed memory size of xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted
Export in Excel with .xml format?
Export to EXCEL downloads XML file
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() "...r\adodb5\drivers\ on line 364
Fatal error: Class 'C_DataGrid' not found
Fatal error: Declaration of DuplicateProcessor::process($tokens) must be compatible with SetProcessor::process($tokens, $isUpdate = false)
File upload - Uncaught ReferenceError; possible file upload attack
FIND not work with Inner Join
FIND not work with Inner Join
Firebird Install & Setup on MacOS
Firebird Install & Setup on Windows
Fix group sum floating (decimal) issue
Force grid to reload the after update
Force Text to Upper Case Upon Submit
Force Text to Upper Case Upon Submit
Foreign characters display
Format UNIX Timestamp to Human Readable Time Format Using Custom Formatter
Generate PHP array from SQL query with C_Database class
Get Selected Rows from Multiple Grids
Get selected values of the grid view
Get value from a specific cell from selected row
getSelRows with some Phpgrids on the same windows
Go to the last page on grid load
Grid text align
grid width issue
Height of cell in form edit
Help! I still cannot get Nested Dropdown to work
Hide Icons and Change Caption Dynamically
Horizontal scrollbar missing on tablet PCs/mobile devices
How can I save the username of the user who modifies the row during edit?
How can I test grid before buying it?
How do I make lookup fields (id fields referencing to other table) make dropdown from other table?
How to "crop" text so that the text won't wrap
How to add a row called total automatically?
How to add header to column alias, and how to hide it?
How to apply MD5 or SHA2 to a field
How to avoid error "Please enter a valid data type ..." when leaving the field blank
How to call custom edit form
How to center modal/pop-up edit form
How to center the grid
How to center the grid
How to change MySQL port
How to change the height of a row (not header row but data row)?
How to Create a Confirm Dialog Box Before Submit a Change?
How to Create a Confirm Dialog Box Before Submit a Change?
How to disable column sort
How to display total sum of a column of ALL the records in the footer?
How to fix PHP Fatal error: Class 'C_DataGrid' not found
How to format text capitalization and other formats
How to get a selected row data in grid populated via local array source
How to get currently selected row?
How to get grid name/id of the subgrids and detail grids?
How to get new ID generated from insert?
How to get the filter/search?
How to grab the table rows in a grid
How to include a user's ID "behind the scenes" during edit?
How to Increase Size of Multiple Select in Edit Form
How to obtain CRUD type in Ajax call after submit?
How to Obtain Entire Datagrid Data as an Array?
How to preserve a value of NULL as on update as it is being set to 0
How to Receive PHPGrid Update Notice
How to resolve MODx session issues
How to Set Active Row During Page Load in Master Detail
How to set the "select" col_edittype be readonly?
How to set up a hidden column to be searchable in advanced search?
How to set up a hidden column to be searchable in advanced search?
How to setup Laravel 10 Inventory app (IMS)
How to show remaining characters in a field on the edit form?
How to style a form input element
How to tell what version of phpGrid I have?
How to upgrade from phpGrid Basic to Professional, or from Professional to other higher licenses?
How to upgrade from phpGrid Basic to Professional, or from Professional to other higher licenses?
How to upgrade phpGrid from Basic to Professional, and higher licenses?
How to view Sql generated during CRUD?
How to wrap text in a cell?
HTML source is displayed with WYSIWYG
Huge Footer!
I hav a problem using WHERE in my queries
I have 3 different status (1,2 and 3) - I want to assign values to each.. active, inactive and archived .. how do I do this? If I set conditional statement , only the latest value works
I just want to be able to adjust hours and minutes.
I want checkbox columns to display as checkboxes, not 1's and 0's.
Individual Column Color and Styling
inline editing limited to single cell
Install phpGrid complains vendor folder is missing.
Integrate phpGrid with MVC based frameworks such as Yii, Symphony, Laravel, Codeignitor, Zend Framework, CakePHP, Joomla, Drupal etc
Integrated Search on Hitting Enter Key
Is there a way to disable resorting all columns?
Is there a way to round the avg format for the footer row?
Joomla! Integration
jqGrid undefined is not a function
Keep edit form open after submit
Keep edit form open after submit
Keep PHP Session live
Large select/dropdown, but select list only shows first 100 entries
Make Change to phpGrid Default CSS stylesheet
Many-to-many relationship
Master Detail foreign key not populated on insert
Master Detail layout - side by side
Master Detail Table with Different Foreign Key
Maths calculations
Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) Collation and Unicode Support
Missing CSS Map files
Modx Evolution (CMS) Integration solution to share
Move the Search Outside of the Grid
Moved from mySQL to MSSQL showing "undefined" error message
Multiple files upload support
Must fill every fields to save, or nothing gets saved!
Need Invoice
Nested grid relationship by date field
Notice: Undefined variable: fkey or fkey_value in edit.php (MS SQL)
Notification "saved successful" but doesn't create new record
Only top (first) row selectable
Parse error
PDF can not display Chinese character
PHP Session
phpCtrl/C_Session not found
Phpgrid - datepicker local customize
phpGrid DB2 Starter or the phpGrid Full version?
phpGrid fonts change
phpGrid insert error - Need to hide primary key during edit
phpGrid Installation and Setup
phpGrid Laravel 10 Integration?
phpGrid on Joomla
phpGrid PostgreSQL support
PHPGrid referencing old server directory
phpGrid support forum
PHPGrid to go to a specific page during load
phpGrid UNION query
phpGrid with Stored Procedure
phpGrid won't run with Sql Server
phpGrid works with Lite version but fails to run in Premium version
phpGrid, Laravel 5 Integration: Class 'C_DataGrid' not found
phpgrid.COM vs. phpgrid.ORG Huh?!?
Prevent column being searchable
Quotes in table names and fields names in Postgres
Record when a recored is created and updated using Timestamp
Refresh without post
Remove Alternative Row Color Completely
Remove Duplicate Values in Group Summary
Remove horizontal scroll when set_autowidth() is set to true
Remove the associated files after deleting a row
Replacing Hyperlinks with Images
Require fields border color
Resize "View Record" display?
Resize Grid According to Current Screen Size
Resize Images Displayed In the Entire Grid
Resize images uploaded after Ajax file upload
Resize subgrid width
Row Select Click Event
Run custom jQuery AFTER the datagrid is loaded
Sample code to save local array back to database with custom edit script
Save Columns Selected in Column Chooser
Save Data in Calculated/Virtual Column to Database
Save Local Data Array Back to Server via Ajax
Save stored value in PHP Session when inserting
Search by the Accented Characters such as à, Ê
Search Column that Uses Multiple Select
Search Column that Uses Multiple Select
Set column visible in grid, but hide during edit
Set datagrid to the width of its parent DIV
Set default value during Edit
Set field required based on another field value using events
Set Minimum Width for Autocomplete edit type
Set Row Height
Set Scroll while freezing columns
Set the grid width to the parent DIV
set_col_edittype - Display a empty/blank value in dropdown
set_form_dimension in Subgrid
set_form_dimension issue in bootstrap theme
set_jq_editurl() or enable_edit example
set_locale not working
set_query_filter not working in Subgrid
Show a column as link based on value of another column
Show Javascript Alert When a Row Is Clicked?
Soft Delete (flag to delete but keep the record)
Soft-delete record by flagging a value (Flag for delete)
Sorting columns with Key-Value pairs when edit type is "select"
Sorting columns with Key-Value pairs when edit type is "select"
Special Characters in Non-English Collation in SQL Server
SQL Server Field Name Truncated after 30 Characters
Strict Mode Error Reporting Ovewrite
subgrid blank add form?
Subgrid does not cascade deletion on child tables in Sqlite
Support case sensitive or insensitive search
Suppress "Loading phpGrid..." messages
The bottom of the grid has too much space
The edit form missing scroll bar when form is longer than the page
The grid appears not to display the bottom line completely. I have tried increasing the pagination and the table dimensions but I'm still unable to see the bottom of the table.
Timezone Warning
Tool tip for column headers
Trigger another php file via AJAX after delete?
Trigger PHP data grid refresh in time interval
Unable to edit
Undefined constant ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN and SQL_CUR_USE_DRIVER when running MS SQL Server
Unnecessary Space at the bottom of the phpGrid page
Update another cell after save
Update column based on the changed value of another column
Update Credit Card
Update SQLite Doesn't Work
Update subtotal after copy row
Use arrow key to navigate a grid
Use Custom Session Name
Use Inner Join
User Management - Log username
User Management settings
Using array_replace_recursive in PHP Version lower than 5.3
Verify uniqueness of a new value entered when edited or added through phpGrid before saving
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: open(/var/php_sessions/) failed: No such file or directory (2) in /www/phpGrid/server/classes/cls_db.php(1) : eval()'d code on line 1
Warning*: session_start(), Cannot send session cache limiter ...
Week start on Monday
When to use Sql View?
When to use Sql View?
Where to enter discount code during checkout?
Where to keep phpGrid in Laravel?
Where to obtain updates and invoices?
WordPress Integration
Wordpress Plugin
Working with Twitter Bootstrap
Would my system continue to work after license expires? Will it stop working?
WYSIWYG doesn't work