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Undefined constant ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN and SQL_CUR_USE_DRIVER when running MS SQL Server

It's a common issue when running phpGrid inside Windows/Apache/PHP with database type as MS SQL Server

: Use of undefined constant ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN - assumed 'ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN' in / server/adodb5/ on line 4249
Notice: Use of undefined constant SQL_CUR_USE_DRIVER - assumed 'SQL_CUR_USE_DRIVER' in / /server/adodb5/ on line 4249

1. First of all, you must install the PHP driver for MS SQL. Download and install the driver from Microsoft website:

2. After installing the driver, the final step is to enable the drive extension in php.ini.

3. Don't forget to restart the Apache after updating php.ini. 

4. To make sure the extension is installed, create a sample file that contains:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

then look for the the odbc extension.

Some users also reported that the Zend server came with an older version of the MSSQL drivers that had to be removed before installing the extension.

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