Display group summary without any detail records
When using group summary, I just want to display the report as grid WITHOUT any detail rows. The layout needs to be something like this
User name ABC : sum(of somthingl) : count(of something)
User name XYZ : sum(of somthingl) : count(of something)
User name JOE : sum(of somthingl) : count(of something)
Insert the following BEFORE calling display().
'function () {
var i, groups =
$(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "groupingView").groups,
l =
idSelectorPrefix =
"#" + this.id + "ghead_0_";
for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
// get grouping name
txt =
$(idSelectorPrefix + i).text();
// copy group name
to first cell in footer
+ i + " ~
// hide the
grouping non-footer row
$(idSelectorPrefix +