Conditional format - compare two cells
Is there a way two compare two cells and highlight the cell which is bigger? Solution:
See the javascript used in demo When condition is met, can do something like the following in the Javascript.
jQuery("#TABLENAME").jqGrid("setCell", row, col, value,{background:'#ff0000'});
Complete code:
// note this should not replace database role-based or user-based permissions.
$onGridLoadComplete = <<<ONGRIDLOADCOMPLETE
function(status, rowid)
var ids = jQuery("#orders").jqGrid('getDataIDs');
for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++)
var rowId = ids[i];
var rowData = jQuery('#orders').jqGrid ('getRowData', rowId);
var requiredDate = new Date($("#orders").jqGrid("getCell", rowId, "requiredDate"));
var shippedDate = new Date($("#orders").jqGrid("getCell", rowId, "shippedDate"));
// compare two dates and set custom display in another field "status"
if(requiredDate < shippedDate){
$("#orders").jqGrid("setCell", rowId, "status", '', {'background-color':'gold'});
$dg = new C_DataGrid("SELECT * FROM orders", "orderNumber", "orders");
$dg->add_event("jqGridLoadComplete", $onGridLoadComplete);
$dg->enable_edit('INLINE', 'CRUD');
$dg -> display();