Currency conversion
We need to be able to convert USD to EUR when viewing the grid. Given the currency conversion rate changes, we don't want to hard-code the EUR value. Is there a way to display a EUR "column" next to the USD value so we know the value?
phpGrid supports adding a virtual column to the end of the grid. Please check out
Code sample:
<?$dg = new C_DataGrid('SELECT customerName, city, state, creditLimit FROM customers', 'customerName', 'customers');
// calculated value to be displayed in the virtual column
$col_formatter = <<<COLFORMATTER
function(cellvalue, options, rowObject){
var n1 = parseInt(rowObject[3],10);
return '€ ' + (n1 * 0.94);
$dg -> add_column(
creditLimit here is in USD, the $col_formatter converts that into Euro and display on the page. Note virtual column can be only at the end of the grid.