Datagrid Display
Cannot display datagrid in IE8, but works in Firefox
Display Icon/Image In a Virtual Column
Change date display format
Collapse Datagrid on Initial Display
Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) Collation and Unicode Support
Blank grid that Data is not showing up in MS SQL, MySql, DB2 or other database
Display datagrid somewhere else on the page
Foreign characters display
How to wrap text in a cell?
I have 3 different status (1,2 and 3) - I want to assign values to each.. active, inactive and archived .. how do I do this? If I set conditional statement , only the latest value works
I want checkbox columns to display as checkboxes, not 1's and 0's.
Refresh without post
set_locale not working
Customize Edit Form Layout
Column Order Position
How to "crop" text so that the text won't wrap
How to format text capitalization and other formats
Always Display Integrated Search Toolbar When Page Load
Can Virtual Column Be Used to Create New Column for Database Table?
How to change the height of a row (not header row but data row)?
Replacing Hyperlinks with Images
Fix group sum floating (decimal) issue
Resize Grid According to Current Screen Size
Format UNIX Timestamp to Human Readable Time Format Using Custom Formatter
Change Master Detail Grid Layout e.g. side by side
Remove Duplicate Values in Group Summary
Set Row Height
Display a value in a cell that references a value in another table
Display data from other columns with customer formatter
Set the grid width to the parent DIV
grid width issue
PHPGrid to go to a specific page during load
Example not working
I just want to be able to adjust hours and minutes.
Data bar solid color?
Conditional format - compare two cells
Escape HTML characters in datagrid
Elongated grid when theme is set
How to display total sum of a column of ALL the records in the footer?
Set datagrid to the width of its parent DIV
Display group summary without any detail records
Remove horizontal scroll when set_autowidth() is set to true
Displaying Header vertically
Displaying Header vertically
HTML source is displayed with WYSIWYG
How to add a row called total automatically?
Adding Totals on Local Array
Display multiple grids from the same database table
autocomple off
Go to the last page on grid load
Default to last page on page load
Force Text to Upper Case Upon Submit
Force Text to Upper Case Upon Submit
Set Scroll while freezing columns
The edit form missing scroll bar when form is longer than the page
Center Edit Form and Display Scroll Bar in Bootstrap Theme
Completely hide parent container's horizontal scrollbar
How to center modal/pop-up edit form
The bottom of the grid has too much space
Unnecessary Space at the bottom of the phpGrid page
Moved from mySQL to MSSQL showing "undefined" error message
How to set up a hidden column to be searchable in advanced search?
How to set up a hidden column to be searchable in advanced search?
Datagrid row height does not change
Conditional border
Many-to-many relationship
Displaying millions of records with row count
Change locale for Calendar datepicker
Dynamic Details Grid Caption
Currency conversion
How to add header to column alias, and how to hide it?