set_col_date() not working properly
I am having problems with setcoldate(). I am getting teh following error: Please, enter valid date value - d M y
Here is my code:
$dg -> setcoldate("QSPDate", "Y-m-d", "d M y", "yy-mm-dd");
$dg -> setcoldate("QSPExpiry", "Y-m-d", "d M y", "yy-mm-dd");
Not sure what I am doing wrong??

Please see updated document on this function to address the confusion.
AdminRichard (Admin, phpGrid) commented
Please see updated document on this function to address the confusion.
Ragi Sekaly commented
Solved it!
$dg -> set_col_property("QSP_Date",array("formatter"=>"date", "formatoptions"=>array("srcformat"=>"ISO8601Short","newformat"=>"d M Y")));
trnie commented
Looks like the same problem I have been trying to solve.
Trond. -
Ragi Sekaly commented
Changed to $dg -> set_col_date("QSP_Date", "Y-m-d", "d M y", "d M y");
Still get the same error.