Have a single row view as a form - In Form View with record selector
I would like to have a full page view of a single row (AKA single record) with record selector - like MS Access single record view. This would be excellent for single unique record CRUD operations. Then have CRUD function as hyperlinks - should be easy to add on existing Java framework.

It is rolled out as a separate product due to its complexity. Please see http://phpDatabaseForm.com and download a free copy!
AdminRichard (Admin, phpGrid) commented
Please resort to PHP Database Form at http://phpdatabaseform.com. It is designed to specifically handle data entry. Here's a live screenshot:http://phpdatabaseform.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2014/01/phpDatabaseForm-form-default.png
Nathan Lewis commented
Many users, for their work-flows, might prefer a limited view. This would be useful for tables where you have 16-18 columns of data (3rd level normalized). You could individually page through this data 1 record at a time - and perform crud operations as needed. Sinlge unique records could be limited to RU functions of CRUD. This is pretty standard. The ability to turn field into read only allows for a high level of limiting access and data errors with foreign key fields etc.
AdminRichard (Admin, phpGrid) commented
So it's a edit form WITHOUT grid for view/edit a single record. Why even need the navigation?
Nathan Lewis commented
No - Similar to MS Access - have a single record form VIEW with record navigation (first, back, forwards last - as arrow buttons or just hyperlinks) and CRUD operations. So when viewing unique data - like one (1) users profile stored in a table - you could limit viewing to just him/her in a form view, NOT a GRID. So take the existing form view used for CRUD and place record selectors (aka navigation) and CRUD operations alter data set.
AdminRichard (Admin, phpGrid) commented
So basically you would like to improve the current form edit popup window to take the entire screen, correct? I guess that can be useful when you have a lot of fields to edit, and don't want to close the unsaved form by accidentally clicking outside the edit form. Is that a right?
The form edit window can now be customized to display multiple column layout. See http://phpgrid.com/example/customize-edit-form-layout/