Page-Reload-Persistent Search
It would be nice if there would be an option to make search/sort reload persistent ...
We got several Systems where the Users switch between different Lists / Pages ... and they have to execute the same searches again & again & again when going back and forth...
So it would be really cool if the Search could be Page Reload Persistent ... ;-)
Andreas Schnederle-Wagner
Mario K. commented
That would really be a great Feature - are there any Plans to integrate such a functionality?
AdminRichard (Admin, phpGrid) commented
Also, please check out sort order page persist demo: -
Christian Porath commented
I found a way to solve this using a session variable, but only for sortings and pagesize settings.
first step: include in <phpgrid_dir>/data.php on row 33
foreach($getGridSettings as $setItem)
if(isset($_GET[$setItem]) && $_GET[$setItem])
$_SESSION['grid'][$setItem]=$_GET[$setItem];second step: use this in your object methods like
$defaultPageSize=500; // value for default
if(isset($_SESSION['grid']['sidx']) && isset($_SESSION['grid']['sord']))
$dg->set_pagesize($defaultPageSize); -
Futureweb OG commented
Any News on that?